Agenda:Select Board Meeting 2/10/20

To: Board of Selectmen

From:Brendan A. McNamara, Town Manager

Subject: Select Board Meeting, Monday February 10th, 2020 in the Cavendish Town Office Meeting Room at 6:30pm

................................................................ AGENDA ................................................................

1. Call the meeting to order

2. Act upon minutes of January 13th, 2020

3. Adjust Agenda

4. Hear Citizens

5. Discussion regarding proposed ‘Town of Cavendish Select Board Meeting Rules of Conduct’

6. Tierney Road/Snowstone Quarry Proposal discussion.

7. Update on the future plans for the Universalist Stone Church Property as it pertains to the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Project and Exhibit.

8. Select Board to review and consider action regarding the resolution to refinance the current delinquent tax note as it relates to the rectification of this fiscal years deficit.

9. Acting in capacity as Board of Sewer Commissioners, to consider request to remove second allocation 265 Depot Street.

10. Select Board to review and consider action on the 2020 Certificate of Highway Mileage.

11. Town Manager to update board on various ongoing/upcoming town projects.

12. Select Board to consider approval of Second Class liquor license application for Singletons Store

13. Other business

14. Executive Session (Personnel Matter)

15. Adjourn

Jennifer Leak