Agenda: Select Board Meeting 8.10.20

To: Board of Selectmen

From: Brendan A. McNamara, Town Manager

Subject: Select Board Meeting, Monday August 10th, 2020 at 6:30pm

(Meeting Held Via Zoom Meeting)

Meeting login info can be found on the Town Website

................................................................ AGENDA ................................................................

1. Call the meeting to order

2. Act upon minuets of July 13th and August 6th, 2020.

3. Adjust Agenda

4. Select Board to consider appointment of Robert Evens to the Prudential committee for Fire District #2.

5. Discussion regarding ‘Mini Library’ Proposal.

6. Update on Route 131 Paving/Culvert Replacement Project.

7. Depot Street Speed Study update.

8. Other business

9.. Executive Session (Personnel Matter)

10. Adjourn