Agenda: Select Board Meeting 8-9-21 @ 6:30

To:                   Board of Selectmen                                                                                        

From:               Brendan A. McNamara, Town Manager

Subject:           Select Board Meeting, Monday, August 9th,2021 at 6:30pm

Location:         Town Office Meeting Room, 37 High Street, Cavendish Vermont  

    ................................................................ AGENDA ................................................................

1.         Call the meeting to order                               

 2.         Act upon the minutes of July12th, 2021

 3.         Adjust agenda

 4.         Hear Citizens

 5.         Select Board to discuss enforcement of ‘Junk Yard Ordinance’

 6.         Review proposal for paving of the parking lot adjacent to CTES.

 7.         Discussion regarding development and implementation of new ‘Town Personnel Policy’.

 8.         Consider Catering Application for Sam’s Steakhouse @ 1589 Main Street, Cavendish.

 9.         131 Paving Project update

 10.       Select Board to consider renewal of Solar Bond note in the amount of $256,500.

11.       Town Manager to address ‘animal control’ issue with Select Board (Rodgers Drive)

 12.       Other business

 13.       Adjourn