Proctorsville Green Dedication Saturday, June 16th, 2018


When Richard Svec retired from his job as Town Manager of Cavendish after twenty-nine years, he assumed he would have many years ahead of him to enjoy the fruits of his labor. When he passed away unexpectedly just before 2018 Town Meeting Day, he left behind a legacy of dedication to the town he loved and served.

On Saturday June 16, a gathering on the Proctorsville Town Green will celebrate his life, a fitting tribute to the man whose vision inspired the creation of the town green. Where others saw a scruffy vacant lot, the Town Manager saw a lush green expanse with a gazebo, surrounded by shade trees. Now a cornerstone of village activity, the green will be formally dedicated at a gathering that celebrates his life. 

Friends, area residents and family are invited to share memories of Richard Svec, hear guest speakers and visit with his family. The marking of his life, one filled with service, adventure and love of family and community, will begin at 2:00.


